• Developer



A young,passionate individual who is always
excited to work on end to end products which
develop sustainable and social and technical
systems to create impact.

My Experience

web developer

web developer intern at Zersey Infotech

Led the development of the web version of Jams App,a thriving platform with over 65,000 users, revolutionizing professional networking by facilitating meaningful connections, offering diverse educational courses, and leveraging AI to empower users in creating compelling content.

Developed an AI cover letter generator using openAI which can generate plagiarism free cover letter based on details you provide.

SEP 2021-AUG 2022 & FEB 2023 - JULY 2023

my education


B.Tech in Information Technology

from IIIT Sonepat

Scored 8.76 CGPA.


Intermediate(XII) in Non-medical

from R.P.S Sr. Sec. School, M.Garh

scored 93.4% in my XII.



from R.P.S Sr. Sec. School, M.Garh

scored 10 CGPA in my X

Codechef Achievements

Global Rank 59 in Codechef Starters 21(15010 participants).

Global Rank 201 in Codechef Infinity 2k21(8981 participants).

Global Rank 223 in Codechef December Lunchtime 2021(11471 participants).

DSA Achievements

Solved 180 DSA questions on GFG

HackerRank Problem solving(basic) certificate

HackerRank SQL(basic) certificate

my projects

document verification system

It is a blockchain based document verification system where u can store real document and match with any document to find out which is the real one. source code can be found on my github profile.


Developed ’ListerSSS,’ a comprehensive listing platform that empowers businesses to efficiently create, manage, and explore listings. Leveraged Firebase for robust data storage, React for dynamic frontend, and React Router for seamless navigation. Implemented Formik and Yup for streamlined form handling and validation, enhancing user experience.

UI websites

These are some of the landing page websites that i designed using reactJS and tailwind.

Explore X

Developed a responsive React project showcasing country information with dark/light theme options and React Router integration for seamless navigation. Leveraged Bootstrap for enhanced UI/UX

my skills

contact me

contact info


+91 8448220147
